Braeden Etienne (he/them) is a person, writer, comedian, poet and performer. Braeden has performed at The Canadian Festival of Spoken Word, Guelph Comedy Festival, Ottawa Improv Festival, Hillside Festival and the festivals they create in their bedroom. Braeden was the Live Comedy Producer behind The Making-Box (Guelph’s former hub for improv training and live comedy) - which introduced improv to thousands of individuals through hundreds of classes and shows.

Braeden is a lot of other things too. It depends on who they are talking to. Braeden really likes relating to people and getting to know them while they get to know Braeden. It’s a lot easier and seems more genuine than an About Me page. But Braeden doesn’t know who you are. So they don’t know where to start. They’d probably say something like, “I like your scarf!”


This is the website where Braeden Etienne posts stories, poems, and other creative works worth sharing. These stories and blogs are not exactly drafts, but not exactly complete either. They are published. But it’s the internet, the writing can change whenever Braeden wants it to. The word “published” has lost all meaning.

All these posts are licensed under a Creative Commons “copyright.” Which means they are open to be shared, remixed, or re-published however you want to use them on your own. If you like something, Braeden would really like to know.

Braeden writes to connect to others. So feel free to reach out!